How to Preserve Aloe Vera Gel Without Fridge

How to Preserve Aloe Vera Gel Without Fridge
The aloe vera plant produces a clear thick gel that contains many healing compounds. These compounds have been shown to help treat burns, sunburn, cuts, scrapes, rashes, and skin conditions. . The most annoying thing about aloe vera gel is that it can spoil within 24 hours at room temperature. In this article, we are going to discuss how to preserve aloe vera gel without fridge

1 Honey Preservation Method.

The biggest disadvantage of using aloe vera gel in its natural gel form is that you don't always use all the gel you extract from the aloe vera leaf, resulting in a lot of it being wasted. 

To prevent this, you can combine aloe vera gel with honey as the gel will last longer. Just mix the rest of the aloe vera gel with an equal amount of honey. Use this mixture to make smoothies and face masks.

2 Vinegar method of preservation.

For this, add 1/4 cup of white vinegar to two cups of water. Then, pour the mixture into a glass jar. Add some aloe vera gel to the mixture and then cover the top of the jar with cheesecloth. Place the jar in a dark area and let it sit for at least 24 hours. You may need to replace the cheesecloth after every 12 hours. If you want to make the preserved aloe vera gel stronger, you can add some sugar to it.

3 Salt preserving method.

Another way to preserve aloe gel is by adding salt to it. Simply add 1 tablespoon of salt to 1 gallon of water. Pour the mixture into a glass container and add some aloe vera to it. Cover the container with plastic wrap and then seal it tightly. Let the mixture sit for at least 48 hours. You may need a few days to get the best results. 

4 Buy a small amount of already preserved aloe vera gel.

 When preparing aloe vera gel, make sure not to use fresh aloe vera gel. If possible, buy aloe vera gel that has already been preserved. You may want to purchase a small amount of aloe vera gel at first and test it before buying larger amounts. 

5 Keep it safe from light damage with opaque containers. 

Keep your gel safe in an opaque and airtight container so, that the solar radiation can't directly strike the gel.  Direct sun rays on the gel can destroy the essential compounds present in the gel.

6 Always store the aloe vera gel in a dry and clean container.

Storing aloe vera gel in a clean and dry container will prevent bacterial growth in the gel. Storing it in a wet and contaminated container will invite the growth of microbes like bacteria, fungi and protozoans. So avoid storing it in the contaminated and wet container for longer use. 

7  Use an airtight container. 

Storing aloe vera gel in a dry and airtight container will prevent the entry of moisture and microorganisms. Both moisture and microorganisms play a key role in gel spoiling by promoting microbial growth. 

8  Avoid exposure to high temperatures. 

Exposing it to a high temperature will destroy the essential ingredients of the gel. Exposure to high temperatures can also promote discolouration in the gel. 

9 Use natural preservatives in the gel.

Adding natural preservatives like vitamin C and E can also extend the shelf life of your gel.  By adding these vitamins the skin care properties of the gel will be enhanced.

10 Store aloe vera gel with coconut oil.

Adding coconut oil to the gel will enhance the shelf life of the aloe vera gel. Coconut oil will not allow the gel to spoil for a long time. For a long time using purpose, you can add half a teaspoon of coconut into sealed aloe vera gel. 

11 Your hands must not be dirty. 

While storing the gel your hands should be clean and dry. Dirty hands can mix microbes into the aloe vera gel which can spoil the gel in a short time. One thing that you should keep in your mind is that always remove the thick yellow substance or else it will spoil the gel. 

Note: Homemade aloe vera gel doesn't really last more than a week, even when refrigerated. It's important to add skin-friendly preservatives like vitamin C powder or vitamin E oil if you want to preserve it for a long time.


If you are harvesting the aloe vera gel directly from the plant. You will need to make sure to let the plant sit upright in some water after cutting a small section off the end so the aloin can flow out.

Aloin is a highly effective laxative and, if not removed, can have adverse effects on those who consume aloe vera products.

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