The CVS pharmacy, located inside most CVS locations, offers a variety of health services. These services include testing for tuberculosis, commonly referred to as a TB test. In this article, we will give you complete information about CVS TB Test.
We will share, How much a TB skin test cost at CVS. Also what happens during the CVS TB Test. We will also share about CVS TB Test results and other important tips regarding CVS TB Test.
How much does a TB skin test cost at CVS?
The TB skin test will cost $35 for the initial test and an additional $30 for the reading 48 to 72 hours later. According to CVS Minute Clinic's official price list, bringing the total to $65 without health insurance coverage. However, according to TB's test page, they claim that insurance is not accepted for this service and payment will be due at the time of your visit.
CVS TB test - what happens?
Before the test, the on-site doctor will first want to review your medical history and verify that you are eligible for the clinic test. The clinic may refer you to another provider in case:
1. Medical complications like influenza measles, mumps, and chicken pox in the past month.
2. A history of an adverse reaction to a TB test.
3. A positive skin test in the past.
4. If you have a weak immune system.
If your doctor thinks you are eligible for the test. Then a small amount of tuberculin will be injected under the skin, usually into the forearm. Injection of tuberculin will be the first part of the CVS TB test. According to, tuberculin is a sterile extract of a purified protein derivative that is made from bacteria that can cause TB. After receiving the injection, a small, pale-colored bump will form at the injection site, and you will be sent home and asked to return 48 to 72 hours later.
During your second visit, 48 to 72 hours later. The injection site should begin to swell, harden, and begin to turn red. Then your doctor will pay close attention to the size of the bump, known in the medical term as induration. When interpreting the results. It will determine your positive/negative result based on the size of the bump we explain in the results below.
The results
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
1. Any induration greater than 15 millimeters is considered a positive result for any patient.
2. Induration of 10 millimeters or more is considered positive only for recent immigrants from high-prevalence countries.
Induration of 10 millimeters or more is also considered positive if :
3 Recent drug users and residents/employees are in high-risk collective settings.
4. Patients with clinical conditions that put them at higher risk.
5. Children under the age of four, or anyone exposed to adults in high-risk categories.
As for induration of 5 millimeters or more.
6. The CDC states that this will be considered a positive result for a patient infected with HIV.
7. A recent contact with someone who has had TB.
8. A patient with fibrotic changes on a chest X-ray consistent with previous
9. TB. after organ transplantation or in patients who are immunosuppressed for other reasons.
However, some patients may respond to the TST and in some cases may be considered false positives.
Important Tips to know about CVS TB Test.
1. CVS TB Test is not available to patients or customers who are located outside of the U.S.territories or the United States.
2. For US military personnel permanently assigned or temporarily serving overseas. Call their Customer Service Team at 1-800-SHOP CVS (1-800-746-7287) if you need help with your order.
3. No appointment is required for a CVS TB test at your local CVS.
4. If you do not come back for your test within 72 hours, you will often have to retake the test.
Tuberculosis (TB)
Tuberculosis (TB) is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, a bacterium that lives in the lungs. TB is spread through the air when someone with active TB coughs or sneezes. People who have been exposed to TB may develop latent TB infection (LTBI). LTBI does not cause any symptoms, but if left untreated, it could become an active TB disease.
1. Symptoms
Symptoms of TB include fever, night sweats, fatigue, weight loss, coughing, chest pain, and shortness of breath. If you experience these symptoms, contact your doctor immediately.
2. Treatment
Treatment for TB includes antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. You should start treatment as soon as possible after being diagnosed with TB.
4. Prevention
The best way to prevent TB is to avoid getting infected in the first place. To do this, make sure to wash your hands often with soap and water, cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze, and stay away from people who have active TB.
Some other famous Tuberculosis (TB) tests
1. Tuberculin skin test (TST)
The tuberculin skin test (also known as the Mantoux test) is a simple blood test that helps determine whether someone has been exposed to tuberculosis (TB). It's done by injecting a small amount of purified protein derivative (PPD) under the skin. If the PPD does not cause any reaction at all, then the person is considered to have no TB infection. However, if the PPD causes a strong reaction, then the person is said to have a positive TST result. A negative TST means that the person has never had TB.
2. Interferon Gamma Release Assay (IGRA)
This test is similar to the TST, except that it uses a different type of antigen. Instead of using PPD, IGRA tests use a special kind of antigen called interferon-gamma. The body produces interferon gamma when it detects TB bacteria. So, if the body makes a lot of interferon-gamma after being injected with the antigen, then the person probably has active TB disease.
3. Quantiferon Gold Test
This test measures how much interferon gamma is produced by the body when it is infected with TB. It is often used instead of the TST, especially in people who may already have a positive TST.
4. Chest X-ray
A chest x-ray is a way to look inside the lungs. It involves taking pictures of the inside of the chest using x-rays. Doctors sometimes do a chest x-ray to check for TB infections.
5. Acid Fast Bacilli (AFB) Smear
An acid-fast bacilli smear is a microscopic examination of sputum samples. Sputum is mucus that comes out of the nose and mouth. People with TB cough up sputum containing TB germs. When doctors examine the sputum sample, they look for TB germs under a microscope.
6. GeneXpert MTB/RIF
GeneXpert MTB/ RIF is a rapid molecular diagnostic test for detecting Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC), including drug-resistant strains. It is a cartridge-based nucleic acid amplification test that provides results in less than 2 hours.
7. Ziehl Neelsen Stain
Ziehl Neelsen stain is a staining technique used to detect mycobacteria. It is commonly used to diagnose pulmonary tuberculosis.
The above-mentioned tests for Tuberculosis (TB) may available in different parts of the world. But if you are looking for a CVS TB Test it is only available in the United States.
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