Wonderful and Unique Facts About Kissing

Wonderful and Unique Facts About Kissing
Credit: Poixabay

Kissing is the climax of the rush of emotions we get when something or someone unconditionally overwhelms us. It could be passionate or sexual, a sign of social behavior, a sign of excitement, or a common display of excitement shared by two people. 

But did you know that there is much more to kissing than just a passionate moment between a couple? Here is a list that will answer the question. 

1 When you kiss someone, your heart beats faster and pumps more oxygen to your brain.

When you kiss someone, your brain sends signals to your adrenal glands.  These glands in turn release hormones like epinephrine, adrenaline, and norepinephrine. These hormones travel through the blood and cause your heart to beat faster.  This fast beating of the heart also sends more blood to your brain.

2 Kissing someone for the first time will trigger your body to release more dopamine.

Dopamine is an organic chemical present in our body that acts as a neurotransmitter. So, when you kiss someone for the very first time, dopamine prompts you to want more. In addition, it also induces insomnia, loss of appetite and a surge in energy levels.

3  Passionate kissing can involve a variety of different muscles.

While kissing there may be an involvement of different facial muscles. Orbicularis Oris is the main muscle that is involved in kissing. In simple kissing, there may be an involvement of as few as 2 muscles. But in the case of passionate kissing 23 to 34  facial muscles remain involved including  112 postural muscles. Isn't it a workout?

4  Locking of lips prevents tooth decay.

Kissing can prevent tooth decay because it stimulates the release of saliva, which reduces plaque levels. It also helps strengthen your cheek and jaw muscles.  Meaning they're less likely to sag, and can help with weight loss. Estimated, kissing can burn two-calorie-per-minute. 

The high secretion of saliva while kissing also pours natural pain killer in salvia. A pain killer like  Opiorphin helps the body to cope with pain. Apart from this salvia also kills the microbes present in food particles and also protects the tooth enamel. 

5 Passionate kissing dilates our pupils. 

Emotional, excited and romantic kissing dilates our pupils. This may also be the reason we close our eyes while kissing. The excitement associated with a smooch triggers your nervous system to automatically respond to it. which in turn dilates your pupils. This happens because the nervous system allows light to enter your eyes. Which in turn makes your eyes more sensitive, so you close them.

6 When we kiss our oxytocin (love hormone) level rises.

On kissing oxytocin hormone level increases due to its relation to attachment, intimacy and feelings. Dopamine level decreases when you're in a long-term relationship after the initial period. Oxytocin is also called the love hormone. This hormone builds trust and love in a relationship because it is linked to feelings. 

7 The euphoric feelings which come during or after the kiss is due to the release of endorphins.

When you engage in a passionate kiss, the hypothalamus and pituitary gland of your body release endorphins. These endorphins give you affection and increase feelings of emotion. Making you joyful after the kiss. 

8 There are 12 pairs of cranial nerves in humans, out of these 5 remain involved in one kiss. 

While kissing these nerves help transfer signals between the two kissing persons. Through these nerves, our brain tries to assemble as much information as possible about the other person. 

 9 While kissing, a guy passes on testosterone, the male sex hormone.

The transmission of testosterone in your body initiates you to get turned on as it causes an urge for sexual intercourse. Therefore, guys use this technique through open-mouth kissing to get you more turned on.

10 60 seconds of kissing can help you lose 2 to 3 calories.

Kissing boosts your metabolic rate. Therefore,  triggering your body to burn calories. Calory burning depends on the duration of the kiss. The longer the duration of the kiss the more calories you burn.

11 It helps your body to become resistant to allergies.

Salvia in a healthy mouth contains ingredients that fight infections caused by bacteria, viruses and fungi. Passionate kissing increases the amount of saliva in the mouth. Which in turn helps to keep of teeth and gums healthy. 

12 It keeps our stress hormone cortisol in check.

Increased secretion of cortisol has a negative effect on your immune system and health. Kissing gives you the feeling of relaxation in your body and boosts the feeling of happiness. Thus, it keeps the stress hormone in check. 

13 Apart from endorphins, kissing also initiates the release of adrenaline. 

Adrenaline decreases the feeling of pain in your body. And endorphins boost feelings of happiness and emotions. Their commutative effect makes you feel safe and secure. 

14  While kissing someone new, there may be a transfer of  80 million different kinds of microbes.

You and your partner share a common microbe medium in a long-term relationship. It is due to the consistent kissing for years.

15 World record for the longest kiss. 

Thailand couple  Laksana Tiranarat and Ekkachai Tiranarat set the world record for the longest kiss.  The couple locked their lips for 58 hours, 35 minutes and 58 seconds.

16 Only 90 percent of the world's cultures share kisses and the rest don't. 

Some areas in Sudan believe that the mouth is the way to a person's soul. So they avoid kissing for fear that their souls will be stolen by the mouth-to-mouth touch.

17 The emergence of the French Kiss.

As recently as 30 May 2013, media reports confirmed that a French dictionary had issued a one-word term "galocher" for the French kiss. However, this particular practice of kissing was introduced by British soldiers who witnessed the French passionately purs their lips when they first visited France during World War 1. Previously, the French kiss was called the "Florentine kiss"

18 It reduces high blood pressure. 

When you kiss someone, the feelings of happiness and increased heart rate cause your blood vessels to dilate widely. Thus, lowering your blood pressure.

19 Kisses are as different as fingerprints. 

According to research and study in the Journal of Forensic Dental Sciences, kisses are like snowflakes. Every lip print is different and unique. In theory, kiss prints can be used in court as identification and evidence by law and order.

20 The scientific study of kissing is called philematology. 

 The science examines what the act of "kissing" means to different cultures. The study takes into account medical science, history, anthropology and a number of other subjects.

21 Special kissing countries. 

With an average of four kisses per person per day, Germany ranks second only to Sweden on the list of countries that are stingy with kissing. People in France and Italy fare much better: they kiss an average of seven times a day.

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