What it would be like living on the moon?


There are several satellites which are revolving around our Earth. All these satellites are artificial, the only exception is Moon, Moon is the natural satellite of Earth. It provides light during the night but the light that it provides is not its own light. It just receives the light from the sun and reflects the sun's rays towards the Earth. So, what would be like living here on the Moon? Here in this article, we shall discuss all these things briefly. 

What it would be like living on the moon?
Image is just for reference

Day and Night temperature on the Moon.

For Human survival, the temperature should be moderate but here on the moon, night temperature falls below -175 °C. At this super-freezing temperature, human enzymes will not work and substrates will remain as such, No anabolic and catabolic activities will occur inside the body. There will be no creation of ATPs. When it comes to the question of day temperature, It rises up to 100 °C. It is the temperature at which water boils. At this temperature enzymes of the human body will denature, consequently, there will be an interruption in the human metabolism. Here in this superhot temperature energy currency of the cell will not form. Therefore, survival on the Moon is impossible.

Moon Atmosphere

Moon has no Atmosphere, for the survival of life, there is a need for a self-circulating atmosphere and the moon has no this type of atmosphere. In its rocks, there is a mass abundance of oxygen and other life-supporting components but other life-supporting gases like hydrogen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide are not present in required quantities. As it has no atmosphere, so during the daytime there will be immense heat and during the night there will be immense coolness. This means this type of environment cannot retain heat. So life on the moon is impossible without extra technical aid.

Moon weather condition

Moon has no seasons like here we observe on Earth. There is no snow, no wind, no clouds, and no rain. No rain means a deficiency of water. For cellular activities and metabolism, the human body needs water. In a water-deficient environment how we can survive? Some reports from NASA and other space agencies showed that some hydrated parts of the moon release droplets of water. Out of released water particles, some droplets escape from the Moon's surface and most of them come back on its surface. But released particles are not enough for the survival of human beings.

Comparison of Moon And Earth Surfaces

On our Earth, we have soil well fortified with essential nutrients, and due which we can grow various types of fruits and vegetables. But in the case of the Moon, the surface has not even pure sand so, how can survive there? Moon's surface is rocky and barren. Due to high temperatures during the day, rocks expand, and due to very low temperatures during the night the rocks on the Moon contract. This expansion of rocks, due to high temperature and contraction due to very low temperature, causes the rocks to break down and cracked. This type of surface will not support human life.

Moon's gravity

As compared to Earth the value of g on the Moon is very low. This low value of g on the Moon is also responsible for its non-self-circulating atmosphere. Due to low gravity Gas molecules can easily escape from its surface. There will be difficulty in walking and maintaining things on its surface. The low value of g will also interfere with our physiology.

Direct landing impact on humans.

If you land on Moon through technology and then if you are left free like here on Earth, then for a few minutes you will observe a weird trauma. Oxygen is the most abundant element on the Moon. But there is no free oxygen to breathe. So just a few minutes after landing, your death is sure. If you land during the daytime, immense heat and oxygen deficiency will kill you and if you land during the night low temperature and same oxygen deficiency will kill you. So there is no chance of survival. Say thanks to mother Earth which is giving us everything. In spite of all this, we are polluting our home planet.

Moon's Water condition.

The most important thing for any form of life is water in its body and around its environment. But there is no water on the moon. In fact, the most abundant inorganic substance in the human body is water, now you imagine how important water is for human survival. NASA and other space agencies have reported that some parts of the moon are hydrated and these hydrated parts release water droplets. Most of the released droplets come back to the lunar surface and very few escape towards space. So, from this point of view, human survival is impossible in a natural way.

Solar flares

If we neglect the risks like water and oxygen deficiency there is another big danger of solar flares. Our sun stores energy in twisted magnetic fields, the sun releases this energy in tremendous explosions, and this particular phenomenon is called solar flares. The temperature of solar flares remains between 10 to 20 million Kelvin. Just imagine how dangerous they are? The composition of a solar flare is high-energy particles and photons. Due to the lack of magnetic field on the lunar surface, Moon can’t deflect these charged and destructive flares. So, solar flares also pose a great threat for human survival on the lunar surface.


Human survival on Moon in a natural way is impossible, we can survive there but with the help of special scientific techniques like wearing a special spacesuit, Taking oxygen supply, etc. Scientists are constantly exploring space and someday it can be possible to live on other planets like Mars. But as for now, it is not only difficult but impossible to live on the Moon in a natural way. In our solar system planet, Earth is the only place where we can live freely. Unfortunately, people are polluting our home planet. If we do not take the necessary steps it may also change like other planets. In the end, I would like to say, in the entire solar system nothing is better than Earth, save trees, save water, save the mother Earth.

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